7/4 2011; egoboost?
Okey so I've done my first exam on the other side of the earth. It was based on seven chapters, covering different topics, in Human Anatomy & Physiology. I kind of felt like the test was veery easy... Is that a good thing? I did check all my answers a second, or even a third time, before I handed it in. All the answers I've gone back to check has been correct sooo .. I might just get a decent grade for this one! That would be a massive egoboost.. Guess I shouldn't get too cocky yet ;EAnyway, we got our grades back from our "wiki" project; which is a team project in health & environment. There's three stages, or three assessments, that we need to complete - and we just got our grades from the first assessment (EP1). I got a 10/10 which is an A :) They check how much you've done individual aswell, so I guess they were satisfied with my performance.. Overall, my team is great (so far) and I think we will get high grades in the upcoming assessments aswell :) woop woop.
so.. Not to be cocky or anything but so far I've got:
Knowledge, Enquiry & Communication: A-
Health & Environment: A (might be an A+, they forgot to upload the file with their feedback to me)
Human Anatomy & Physiology: I have 100% passed, no doubt about it.. Who knows, B or A? thrillin'...
Human Development (Phsychology): No idea yet, we have an essay due after our break..
That's how it looks like right now, not so bad :) I hope to keep it up!
Right now The Edge is pumpin' from our speakers and everything feels good, except that my body feels like a cooked spaghetti and is very sore after my crashlanding/training from tuesday :P
Goin' to the supermarket now,
have it SWEET!