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18/8 Strength

I bought this amazing book about strength training and anatomy today. It describes alot of exercises used in gym environments (weightlifting) combined with describing injuries (how to prevent an injury, etc), various stretch-exercises and, most importantly - it has awesome picture settings of the human body's anatomy!
I am really thrilled right now, I've been reading it for an hour now and I can't stop. It's as if I got a massive interest-boost to start studying some hardcore anatomy. I feel, at this very moment, extremely motivated to study and perform well on our upcoming exams. Why can't you always feel like this?

I guess that's a good sign; I've chosen the right profession :) I've injured my shoulder due to a stupid missjudgement at the gym. And now I know exactly what's wrong with me, honestly. I've had this once before after I landed upside down after a double backflip with a full twist in the first rotation (I blacked out and went out of my "position", which caused me to loose rotation and BAM! I was upside down with a fractured shoulder joint). What's "positive" is that it is a pretty common injury as a result of weightlifting. I guess alot of people, including me, is just not well enough educated before performing different gym-exercises. I have honestly learnt so much during this hour of reading, I'm so thrilled! What's "negative" about it is that it can have a longer healing process.. Which means I might just have to be a little skinny Alex for summerbreak. However, a longer healing process concerns (as of my understanding) people with inflammation in the area of injury, which I hopefully doesn't have!

On another note, I might buy tickets to Rhytm & Vines for summerbreak! Here's a trailer for this year :) Just soak in the environment. Really, awesome NZ!

Time for some sleep, good night world.

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