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so yesterday was the first day of school. I had two tutorials in two papers: Human Anatomy & Physiology (HAP) and Knowledge, Enquiry & Communication. It all went pretty fast since its the first week and our lectures hasnt really started yet. We got some info and I've just bought my book in HAP. I did some study aswell & learned some new stuff.
After the lectures I went for a run to the beach of Takapuna. It was nice, but I must say my fitness suuucks! I need to fix that asap!
Theeen I went to the city to end up at Burger Fuel with some mates. Also, later on I met Louise from Sweden for a quick talk (basicly we havent met eachother since I got here).
I've totally forgot my pincode to my visa (for some reason I really cant explain). Therefor I'm pretty eager to get my new visa from my NZ bank.
Right now Im just sitting here, doing nothing much. Since I dont have access to my visa I cant buy new material for my lectures which really sucks. I've got one class today which is between 12:00 - 14:00, but I bet its only a tutorial since its a new paper they'll introduce (Phsychology and Lifespan Development). I've read some phsychology back in Sweden so this one should hopefully not be a problem.
Have it goeeed
Postad den 2011-02-28 @ 21:21:12
Postad i Auckland, NZ | Kommentarer (0)
yesterday I went out on a roadtrip with Sarah & dick. We decided to rent a car since that was the cheapest way of getting around. Sarah, with her canadian driving license, had her first drive in leftside traffic. That was funny, bit scary tho :E But it went well & we all came back unharmed :)
After we had picked up the car we went straight to Waitomo Caves. The adventure tour there was awesome, we went with innertubes into the caves of Waitomo to do some "rafting" and checking out the glowworms. Even tho I felt for peeing the whole tour (if you peed in the wetsuit it would stink like fuck, so that wasnt on the agenda) it was really awesome!
After Waitomo Caves we went to Raglan, which is a famous surfer place here on the North Island. The beach is called Ngarunui Beach and it was I N S A N E. I loved it. It was for sure the most beautiful beach I've ever seen in my life (so far).
After that we went to the Bridal Veil Falls which was almost in the same area as the surfer beach. So, this was actually the first time ever I had seen a huge waterfall. Nice stuff!
After that we ended the day with a sandwich at subway and drove home.
Here's some photos:
Next week (if I have the time & if the weather allows it) we'll drive back to Ngarunui Beach for some surfing & to catch the sunset! AWESOME!
Have it great;)
Postad den 2011-02-26 @ 21:46:30
Postad i Roadtrips, NZ | Kommentarer (0)
Today was the official orientation day at AUT for my faculty. So thats basicly what Ive done so far; been listening to presentations & getting info. After that I went to Northcote to get some groceries. Thinking of making spaghetti again and then top it with pancakes on the evening. haha, Im starting to sound very mature "ey"?.
Tomorrow me and some friends will go on a roadtrip to Waitomo caves where we'll go down under ground to see glow worms and do some rafting etc. That will be really awesome! And as I mentioned before I had a cold, well.. Im alot better now than I was yesterday so hopefully it'll all be okay. Either way I'm going, for sure! School starts on monday so I'll have to do as much as possible during these few days I got left of "vacation". After that I'll study my ass off to gain the grades I want, which is basicly top grades in all papers. I'll most likely have to study twice as much as the national students over here hence the fact that I'm from Sweden and english is not really my first language. But hopefully it'll all go alright, I wont be satisfied with only getting a pass in the papers I get.
Heres a pic of me and some friends at the top of Mt. Victoria :)
& one from the ferrie we took to Auckland City :)
& the nicest buildings in Auckland City (in my opinion), think they're called twin towers or smth.
& ofcourse the skytower
Okey, time to get up & do some food with lots of garlic and onion. It's well needed:)
Have it great!
Postad den 2011-02-25 @ 03:57:27
Postad i Auckland, NZ | Kommentarer (1)
So basicly Ive gotten a cold, which really suck. Its 23*C plus outside and I'll basicly just sit inside watching bad series and drink tea.
Tomorrow it's the orientation day for the students within health science. This will be interesting, we'll meet our teachers and listen to presentation with various information about the papers we'll have the first semester.
Due to the fact that I got a really strong cold two days ago, I wasnt able to go to the "2-days" essay writing course. But I dont think it'll be much of a problem, I can get all the info I need at the uni anyway so it'll be fine.
The reason I havent updated my blog is basicly cause I have not been able to reach internet. I was supposed to have internet in my room when I got here but they basicly found out that it was 2 slow & now they're redoing the whole system. In this country everything goes much slower than it normally would, I guess its ju their lifestyle here;)
SO! I wont have i-net at my room untill monday next week (earliest..), hopefully they'll keep their promess this time.
Im in the common room right now & the toilet is locked. PANIC? I need to sneeze, foeck...
I'll just up a picture so long from Takapuna beach the other day.
Postad den 2011-02-23 @ 22:38:46
Postad i Auckland, NZ | Kommentarer (0)
Sitting in the common room of my Campus at North Shore atm, waiting for ... not sure what we are waiting for. Basicly just being nerds.
My jetlag seem to even out more n more for each day that passes. Today I woke up around 6:45 am and didnt feel tired at all. Weird, back in Sweden I would be deadtired waking up that early.
I still havent got my internet in my dorm yet, but it looks like theyll have it "installed" today.
Off to the bank now to set up an account, still havent been able to do so.
Also, I will be taking the essay writing course which is set for two days next week. I think Ill need every help I can get since we done have the same "essay-writing system" in Sweden.
Have it niiice, I know I will ;)
Postad den 2011-02-18 @ 20:55:17
Postad i Auckland, NZ | Kommentarer (0)
Hey booi,
I have finally arrived to Auckland New Zealand & so far Im loving it;) The New Zealanders seem to be really cool people, like for an example; during the NZ morning news they had a female reporter who installed a camera set on her butt. Then she walked down town and the camera basicly filmed when people where staring at her ass. They had no idea that they were being filmed so all the dudes were looking at her ass like; daaamn gaal 'wissle'.
That was hilarious, and theyre all so relaxed. Its not just the newsreporters who got humor its also the local police, they seem really cool and down to earth. Its def. not like Sweden where they are all (the police) trying hard to be all cocky even towards people who hasnt really done anything wrong.
Ive already met lots of scandinavian people down here, its weird.. Its really people from all over the world! Its awesome, lots of cultural mixes.
I was down in Auckland City yesterday and I must say, I loved it! It is really an awesome city. I dont have internet in my dorm yet so youll have to wait for the pictures, but soon enough Ill have them uploaded!
Now Im at the school library at my campus which is located in the North Shore. Just updating everyone whats up & that Im alive and kickin' ;) After this Ill go shop some stuff I really need, like sunscreen with HIGH deffence against the sun. The one I brought from Sweden doesnt really work very well down here.. The ozonlayer is very thin so you can basicly get really tanned even if its all cloudy. Which isnt that bad in my opinion ;)
After that me and some friends will hit the beach of Takapuna (Google; Takapuna Beach) which will be soo nice!! Ill swim like a freakin' dolphin, thats for sure haha.
soo, thats all for now I guess.. Lots to say really but the sun is shining outside and my feet are getting cold in this library, so gotto get out and enjoy the sun while it lasts ;)
Postad den 2011-02-17 @ 21:37:44
Postad i Auckland, NZ | Kommentarer (0)
Imorgon bär det av. Liiiiite smått nervös man är nu :E
Men det blir fint,
Adieu la Suède, på återseende!
Postad den 2011-02-13 @ 22:24:56
Postad i Helsingborg, SWE | Kommentarer (0)
Got my visa, nemas problemas.
Nu börjar det ordna sig inför avfärd:)
Postad den 2011-02-04 @ 23:52:26
Postad i Helsingborg, SWE | Kommentarer (0)