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1/3 2011; School

so yesterday was the first day of school. I had two tutorials in two papers: Human Anatomy & Physiology (HAP) and Knowledge, Enquiry & Communication. It all went pretty fast since its the first week and our lectures hasnt really started yet. We got some info and I've just bought my book in HAP. I did some study aswell & learned some new stuff.

After the lectures I went for a run to the beach of Takapuna. It was nice, but I must say my fitness suuucks! I need to fix that asap!

Theeen I went to the city to end up at Burger Fuel with some mates. Also, later on I met Louise from Sweden for a quick talk (basicly we havent met eachother since I got here).

I've totally forgot my pincode to my visa (for some reason I really cant explain). Therefor I'm pretty eager to get my new visa from my NZ bank.

Right now Im just sitting here, doing nothing much. Since I dont have access to my visa I cant buy new material for my lectures which really sucks. I've got one class today which is between 12:00 - 14:00, but I bet its only a tutorial since its a new paper they'll introduce (Phsychology and Lifespan Development). I've read some phsychology back in Sweden so this one should hopefully not be a problem.

Have it goeeed

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