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July 2 2011; bike

I have bought myself a bike, the only "problem" is that it is tiny. But it works fine and it wasnt expensive. I can sell it for the same price I bought it for, hopefully, on Trademe (like swedish Tradera or Blocket).

I am looking forward to start our next semester. It is just insanely boring to have such a long break without having anything to do. I am still waiting for my tax number so I can work. I am thinking of handing out CV's on monday, so I can atleast get a part time job somewhere. Would be nice with an income for a change.

Will be nice to meet all the physio students in a couple of weeks. Last semester was around 750 students taking the same papers, so it is kind of hard to find people that actually were going for their physio diploma.

And yeah., Like I said, it is d e a d here now. Alot of the NZ students have left Auckland for their hometowns. oeh, it's only two weeks left of break anyway and time is not famous for being on the lazy side.

Imagine the speeding tickets time would get..

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