July 27 2011; Nostalgia
So here I am on the other side of the world. University has started again (last week) and we are bombed with studies once again. I am in the second semester of my 1st year physiotherapy program and so far I am enjoying it. This semester will be heavily based on practical papers; such as Passport to Practice, Exploring health priorities & Therapeutic touch. I like all our tutors, however the paperleader of Fundamentals of Movement is a bit scary. She's really nice but you do not want to mess with her or come unprepared to her tutorials. I guess it's a good quality to possess as a teacher: the ability to indirectly force your students to study. ;pI feel a bit lost though at some moments. Obviously there will always be people that know everything about everything and the ones that just sit silent thinking: "shit? what have I missed".. Right now, I am one of the silent persons. However, everyone else seems quite lost as well. I think they just bombed us with very hardcore definitions and terms of muscles and bones straight away, just to see how much people actually have learnt from last semester. And for us "normal" students, the basic knowledge of the body's physiology & anatomy we gained last semester: is definitely way more basic than what we are learning now.
Today we got our own stethoscopes, which was fun ;) So yeah, lots of practice is coming up to prepare myself for the practical examination in a couple of months.
I came across an old video clip of me doing gymnastics and it gave me nostalgia. I want to get in to it again, but here in New Zealand they only have the Olympic version of gymnastic (artistic gymnastic). They don't have the EU version, which sucks.
Either way, I am still considering going on a serious job hunt. But it's hard to actually know at this stage how much studies we will have throughout the semester. I'll see what happens.
I can't wait till summer, I got friends going over to Australia for 3 months to work. I am thinking of getting a cheap flight ticket to Sydney, would be awesome. But only if I can stay at their place for free & I get the time off.
Here's the old video of me flipping: