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July 30 2011; ville inte

"Det var 17 år
17 år i staden där jag växte upp och så
märker du hur fort det går?
och jag var 17 år ville inte va den
som blev kvar

Jag minns det än idag
en vattenfestival
minns att ingen ville åka hem
jag skulle utomlands
jag bytte efternamn
och jag blev en av dom som aldrig kommit hem

Sen jag var 17 år
17 år i staden där jag växte upp och så
märker du hur fort det går?
och jag var 17 år ville inte va den
som blev kvar

Jag ville inte va den ( jag ville inte va den.. )
jag ville inte va den som blev kvar
jag ville inte va den som blev kvar..."

Veronica Maggio - 17 år

Freedom of the soul

July 30 2011; annoyed

I can't help but to be annoyed when I see so many students (& kids) drinking powerdrinks here in New Zealand. I wrote an essay on obesity last semester and it made me realise that obesity is a major healthproblem here in NZ. They got alot of fast-food places and the advertisement of junk products is by far exceeding the amount of advertisement for healthy products.

Yesterday I saw a chubby (obese) kid walking around with a Monster (powerdrink brand) T-shirt and cap, sharing with his friends a 1,5 (or even 2) litres of Sprite. What the f*ck? The kid is clearly obese and still he's walking around drinking coffeine & sugar-bombed drinks like that. It annoys me, a lot. I guess it all comes down to how you've been brought up. I had the priviledge of growing up in a family where junkfood was not an option (atleast not on a regular basis).

But isn't that kind of sad? What is wrong with our society today. Eating healthy is not hard. However, it is not often you see discounts on healthy food in the supermarkets. And the advertisement of unhealthy beverages and food is unavoidable.

I lived at the studentvillage of my university the other semester. Wednesdays was the "free-bread" day, we basically got delivered free bread straight to the studentvillage for everyone to consume. I thought that was a great way to help out students, in a healthy way! However, a couple of days per semester Red Bull company shows up with teenage staff to hand out free red bull cans to everyone. I personally do not drink that shit so I let it slip, but the majority of the students ofcourse accepted the temptation and took a few red bulls.

I might sound like a health freak or whatever, but honestly; how can it be accepted - in a century where obesity is continously rising - for junk food/drink companies to have that much exposure to kids, teenagers and families? It annoys me, I much rather see discounts on fruits, low fat chicken and such, than on chips, coca cola, fried stuff and so on.

Addiction is a flaw in human nature that will never stop haunting us. Preventative methods to decrease its power should be a common goal for everyone. But I guess that's too much to ask for....

Alberto Seveso (C)


July 27 2011; Nostalgia

So here I am on the other side of the world. University has started again (last week) and we are bombed with studies once again. I am in the second semester of my 1st year physiotherapy program and so far I am enjoying it. This semester will be heavily based on practical papers; such as Passport to Practice, Exploring health priorities & Therapeutic touch. I like all our tutors, however the paperleader of Fundamentals of Movement is a bit scary. She's really nice but you do not want to mess with her or come unprepared to her tutorials. I guess it's a good quality to possess as a teacher: the ability to indirectly force your students to study. ;p

I feel a bit lost though at some moments. Obviously there will always be people that know everything about everything and the ones that just sit silent thinking: "shit? what have I missed".. Right now, I am one of the silent persons. However, everyone else seems quite lost as well. I think they just bombed us with very hardcore definitions and terms of muscles and bones straight away, just to see how much people actually have learnt from last semester. And for us "normal" students, the basic knowledge of the body's physiology & anatomy we gained last semester: is definitely way more basic than what we are learning now.

Today we got our own stethoscopes, which was fun ;) So yeah, lots of practice is coming up to prepare myself for the practical examination in a couple of months.

I came across an old video clip of me doing gymnastics and it gave me nostalgia. I want to get in to it again, but here in New Zealand they only have the Olympic version of gymnastic (artistic gymnastic). They don't have the EU version, which sucks.

Either way, I am still considering going on a serious job hunt. But it's hard to actually know at this stage how much studies we will have throughout the semester. I'll see what happens.

I can't wait till summer, I got friends going over to Australia for 3 months to work. I am thinking of getting a cheap flight ticket to Sydney, would be awesome. But only if I can stay at their place for free & I get the time off.

Here's the old video of me flipping:


July 10 2011; 1 year

Nu har jag haft denna bloggen i ett år, helt galet vad tiden går fort. Såhär lät det för ett år sedan:

Nu har jag suttit här ett bra tag för att klura ut hur jag ändrar diverse inställningar på bloggen, tycker jag lyckats rätt bra till slut :)

Välkomna till moi blogg förresten, this is where the shit happens!

Som de flesta vet (eller ni kommer veta då jag publicerat denna blogg) har jag ansökt till Auckland University of Technology på Nya Zealand. Det är skolans sjukgymnastpogram som lockar, en fyraårig utbildning (3 års studier - 1 års praktik). Nu tänker ni säkert: 'vad är du för ett snille?', men för att vara ärlig har jag varit rätt lat både på högstadiet & under gymnasietiden. Jag lyckades skrapa ihop ett 16,1 i snittbetyg från gymnasiet (samhällslinje) vilket motsvarar kanske 11 MVG - resten VG & ett IG (I matte C -.-).

Så hur vågar jag då ge mig in på en sådan linje i ett land som ligger åt h*lvete långt borta från Sverige, där allt kursmaterial är på engelska (& latin såklart) & där så mycket pengar står på spel (lån & bidrag)? yeeh well, jag har under många år velat studera utomlands & vidga vyerna, bli världsvan & skapa nya bekantskaper runt om i världen! New Zealand verkar vara det ultimata landet för mig (naturen, extremsporterna, människorna, etc..), dock hatar jag lammfärs, fyyyf**....

Jag vill så gärna ha den friheten att själv kunna välja var i världen jag vill jobba. Sjukgymnast är ett väldigt efterfrågat yrke runtom i världen, speciellt om man har en internationell utbildning 'to back it up with'. Därför tänker jag satsa allt för att lyckas med mina studier inom yrket! Jag tror att jag kommer klara det, - tufft i början & lättare efterhand. It's like they say: "never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amatures built the ark; professionals built the titanic."

Av någon underlig anledning känner jag en tjej som också sökt in till AUT. She's named Louise Jönsson & hennes blogg är: <--. Det härliga är att hon kom in på en Konflikthantering (something) kurs & hon sitter nu i Auckland på Nya Zealand & gottar sig innan hon börjar studierna om någon vecka. Life's weird, really..

Iaf, det är fortfarande inte säkert att jag blivit antagen till skolan. Allt kan fortfarande ske.. I've said it before & I'll say it again: I'll go emo if I dont get in.. haha, naae men just nu känns det så. Har riktigt stora förhoppningar & framtidsplaner som kan gå i kras om jag inte kommer in!

Är det så att jag inte kommer in då drar jag ner ett par månader & reser runder (backpacker) i NZ & Australien (kanske thailand också, who knows..). Efter det söker jag vidare :) & allt kommer att finnas på denna bloggen, from day1 to my final destination: graduation!

as my quote of the da..*host*... night:
- "Since light travels faster than sound, people appear bright untill you hear them speak"

Over n out

Lite scary att tiden går så fort. Här sitter jag, ett år senare, och har uppfyllt allt vad jag kämpat så mycket för. Jag kom in på skolan, allt fixade sig med blodprover och vaccinationer och med CSN. Jag har varit i Storbritannien, Cook Islands & Nya Zeeland inom loppet av detta året. Life is good:)

(c) Alberto Seveso

July 7 2011; Natural blues

Idag spelade de Moby - Natural Blues på gymmet. Need I say more? Det är nästan lite läskigt..

Tiden går så fort, lite för fort..

And the video made me think of my grandmother..

July 6 2011: Learners

I got my learners today! It's a drivers license that lets you practice driving.. It's basically an ID card, so I do not need to fix an 18+ card. I can just use my "license" :)

The system of learning how to drive in New Zealand is pretty different from the Swedish one. You read a book called road code and then you do a theory test: multi choice made up by 35 questions. If you pass (atleast 32/35) you get your learners license, which lets you practice driving with anyone who got their full NZ license for atleast 2 years. Then you practice driving for 6 months and do another theory test + a practical test (driving test). When you pass that you get your restricted license, which means you can drive without a supervisor etc. Just not after 10pm to 5 am or something.. Then when you've had your restricted for a while you do your test for the full license.

This way may take longer compared to Sweden's system. But, you don't need to pay 2000 - 3000 NZD (10 000 - 15 000 SEK) for a drivers license (which is bloody insane). Here you pay, if you pass it all, around 300 NZD (1 500 SEK) for a license. So yeah, I do save ALOT by taking it here and I am actually happy I didn't take it in Sweden. Stupid it is that expensive in SWE.

Anyway, my days consist of gym 4-5 times a week, watching series/movies, studying for random stuff and doing lots of errands around North Shore.

I was looking at some of my earlier posts on here and I can't help but to feel proud of where I am today. I am such an achiever, honestly! I don't regret my decision of coming here, I really love it. I wonder what life has in store for me, I bet it's something great :)

(C) Alberto Seveso [Advocate Art]

July 4 2011; Example

July 2 2011; bike

I have bought myself a bike, the only "problem" is that it is tiny. But it works fine and it wasnt expensive. I can sell it for the same price I bought it for, hopefully, on Trademe (like swedish Tradera or Blocket).

I am looking forward to start our next semester. It is just insanely boring to have such a long break without having anything to do. I am still waiting for my tax number so I can work. I am thinking of handing out CV's on monday, so I can atleast get a part time job somewhere. Would be nice with an income for a change.

Will be nice to meet all the physio students in a couple of weeks. Last semester was around 750 students taking the same papers, so it is kind of hard to find people that actually were going for their physio diploma.

And yeah., Like I said, it is d e a d here now. Alot of the NZ students have left Auckland for their hometowns. oeh, it's only two weeks left of break anyway and time is not famous for being on the lazy side.

Imagine the speeding tickets time would get..